This & That Fridays – February 3

So it’s February…how did that happen?

what’s going on with me

Pretty sure that if I can’t get my issues fixed on my blog soon that my head is just going to pop off in pure frustration.  You probably wouldn’t notice if you weren’t scrolling through previous posts but none of my images from prior to moving to self-hosting were showing up.  I ended up completely wiping my blog clean and then reloading it but it.did.not.solve.the.issue.  I tried everything, including switching themes which ended up being a huge waste of time because it couldn’t’ do what I thought it could so I ended up switching back.  Then I was having some big issues with Jetpack, which thankfully now appear to resolved.  It seems like we’re moving closer to a resolution with the images and I’m very thankful that my SiteGround (my web hosting service) basically offers 24 hour online support.

Does anyone have anything exciting planned for Valentine’s Day?  We’ll probably go out for dinner the weekend before or just make a meal together at home.  We’re not big Valentine’s Day celebrators.

have you seen/tried/heard?

We started watching The Walking Dead last weekend…and even though I find it disturbing, gory and disgusting, I can’t stop watching.  It’s addicting and we’re only a handful of episodes into Season 1.

Am I the only one that finds Beyonce’s maternity pictures a little odd?  Like why is she sitting on top of an old sports car filled with flowers?  Good for her and everything but I guess I’m just not artsy enough to appreciate them.

Speaking of V-Day, this is such a cute manicure!

I happened to be perusing Gap’s website the other day and even though I shop there a bunch and generally like their stuff, there were a few things on there that literally made me say WTF.  Such as this (Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake circa 2001 called), these and these (I’m sorry but I literally LOL for a few minutes when I clicked on those). The Mom Jeans trend is bad enough but now we’re adding cropped AND wide legs to it?  I give up.

recent purchases

I bought this sweater from Old Navy last weekend and I wore it for 2 hours before it started pilling under the arms and I snagged it on something.  Gaaaah! It’s a great colour though…

I finally got my hands on an Illume Woodfire candle and I am in love.  I talked about it in my Home Office Inspiration post and I apologize for repeating myself but I just love it so darn much.  It smells like I have a wood burning fireplace in my office and if you’re anything like me, that’s a good thing.  It has just a hint of smokiness mixed with vanilla and it makes me feel super cozy and warm.

currently coveting

I like to torture myself by checking out the Lorac website every now and then and this eyeshadow palette caught my eye.  It looks really pretty, doesn’t it?

I’ve been wanting to make this recipe forever because it sounds so interesting  – Pioneer Woman’s Spicy Dr. Pepper Shredded Pork.  Looks like a great dish for Superbowl!

I’m really liking the lace up trend on tops lately – case in point, this sweater from Loft.

I can never get my head around the concept of 3D printers…and  I’m not sure I ever will. I saw this or something similar to it at Michaels a few weeks ago and it just kind of blew my mind.  Although it would be wasted on me because I can’t even draw a straight line with a ruler.  But how cool right?!?!

blogger of the moment

Belinda Laurie – Monthly Giveaway (February 2017)

I decided that this year I want to switch this section up and feature Bloggers and You-Tubers and Bloggers that I actually interact with.  So this week I’m featuring fellow Canadian Belinda Laurie.  I recently started following Belinda and I love  how motivating and inspirational her blog is.  She also has her own YouTube channel where she focuses on beauty products and reviews.   She’s currently hosting a giveaway for one of my favourite things – a planner!  I currently own a planner (and love it to pieces) so I’m not going to enter to take away someone else’s chance of getting one but I wanted to promote Belinda’s giveaway and encourage you to enter.  Also make sure to give her a follow if you don’t already!

Freshly Blogged…

Love with Food Deluxe Box Review – December 2016

My 2017 Goals & 2016 In Review

Home Office Inspiration

Top 16 of 2016: Disappointing Beauty Products


Coming Soon…

  • Top 16 of 2016: Non Beauty
  • John Freida Luxurious Volume Haircare
  • Products I’m Using Up in 2017

Have a great weekend!


  1. Polished and Inspired says

    I started watching TWD late last year. Had to take a pause around Christmas when season 2 ended to wait for my fiance to catch up to me. When I realized he was never going to catch up, I went ahead and watched all of season 3 last week ? it’s so addicting, right?!

    Beyonce’s maternity photo is hideous…like, what even is that? Maybe I just don’t know how to appreciate art, like you said.

    Omg, I saw that pen at Michael’s a few weeks ago too! I was so blown away lol. Can you imagine how long it would take to make something from that?

    Gah, that eye shadow palette is gorgeous!! I want it in my life.

    Love the idea of you featuring bloggers you follow! I’m going to go follow Belinda now!

    • prettyrufflife says

      I’m so addicting, even though sometimes I can’t even look at the screen because the zombies are getting so close to someone or they’re devouring a body. It’s the worst best show I’ve ever seen. lol

      Glad you agree with me on Beyonce…did you see Ellen’s take on them? Hilarious:

      Yay, definitely follow Belinda – she’s awesome! 🙂

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